doral ana'diel! i'm the webmaster, elf!

welcome to the silvermoon district. i like to call this place my home. all the city is my home, but i think this is where my passion for elves really started, and i find that a big part of my identity.

i'm a neurodivergent 21+ transmasc guy living out on the east coast, i'm disabled, and i'm also ashkenazi! for work, i do art. i'm proficient in digital but i am also experimenting with 3d art as of recent as well!

i'm autistic and my special interests are any elves, high fantasy locations, world of warcraft, vampires, and early 2000s web stuff, ufos, aliens, cryptids, and furries. outside of my special interests, i also really love cooking, gardening, collecting old books, enamel pins, coding, video games, and punk music!

you can find examples of my artwork in teldrassil. i mostly do furry designs, art for my elves, and whatever i'm commissioned for!